Castor Oil...sickeningly good

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Still alive

Still alive but have been very busy. I have a column in the latest On Tap if you want some histrionic ranting.

I'm completely nerding out on the World Cup. Went with some pals to a bar yesterday to watch the USA v. Czech Republic debacle and got soused accordingly. We were interviewed by Voice of America Television. I guess I wasn't being too brilliant because they talked to me for about six seconds and turned off the camera. To make matters worse they interviewed my neighbor Billy for about half an hour, he was quite eloquent for a bastard with too much TV and a redundant basement in his house.

Since last we spoke at length I have been to Vegas and Knoxville, both really really hot.


Gotta go, Togo needs my full time and attention.

Still alive

Still alive but have been very busy. I have a column in the latest On Tap if you want some histrionic ranting.

I'm completely nerding out on the World Cup. Went with some pals to a bar yesterday to watch the USA v. Czech Republic debacle and got soused accordingly. We were interviewed by Voice of America Television. I guess I wasn't being too brilliant because they talked to me for about six seconds and turned off the camera. To make matters worse they interviewed my neighbor Billy for about half an hour, he was quite eloquent for a bastard with too much TV and a redundant basement in his house.

Since last we spoke at length I have been to Vegas and Knoxville, both really really hot.


Gotta go, Togo needs my full time and attention.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Is it that close to November?

From the Washington Post -

"Bush has invited some of the nation's leading social conservatives to the Rose Garden on Monday, to cheer him on as he strongly endorses a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage."

Fucking sickening, really. I would love for him to be on the receiving end of the fear-mongering hatred for personal gain that he repeatedly foments. Asshole. Have fun in Hell you hateful little halfwit, you too Cheney. Way to be so up the ass of your own bullshit agenda that you'll smile along while your boss gets every roundheaded idiot in America to get fired up about discrimnating against your daughter.

Every one of you, every single one, should just feel gut churning guilt at your immoral moral bullshit every day of your life, but I'm sure you don't.

As I said, have fun in Hell.