Castor Oil...sickeningly good

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Junk mail

"Hastert told CNN Monday that he does not recall being told by Reynolds about the e-mails between Foley and the Louisiana teen, although he did not dispute that the conversation may have happened. "If he did, he brought it in with a whole stack of things," the speaker said.

Yeah I can see that......

"Hey Tom what'cha got.....lesse yeah bills, bills, hmm menu for a new Chinese place...probably illegals but if the Kung Pao is good who's countin' right???, junk, Tsunami relief...yeah right!, bills, ooooooh the new Maxim, "CHERYL BLOCK ME OFF SOME MEDITATION TIME ON MY CALENDAR FOR THIS AFTERNOON...FIVE MINUTES WILL DO.........AND MAKE SURE THERE'S TISSUES IN MY OFFICE AND UHHHHH HAND LOTION FOR.......UHHHH.........THE CONSITUENTS OR....OR FOR FRIST WHEN HE COMES BY...HE'S GOT DRY SKIN Y'KNOW"...., bills, junk, bills, bills, one of my party members is probably a kid toucher, bills......NEWSWEEK WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!??!?!?, bills, goddamn another thing from those Delay much fucking wrapping paper do I have to buy from that bastard's spawn before he'll tear up the goddamn pictures, bills, phone book, junk mail, bills, bills..........that's it? A'ight let's go hit the bar and make fun of some homosexuals!!!"

All in a day's work I guess.


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