Sometimes it's as easy as shooting an old guy in the face
I'm really just jumping on a bandwagon here that's already full of bloggers from across the blogosphere but when said bandwagon offers a free ride to comedyville with a stocked bar and a full body massage chair to sit in well who am I to turn it down. It seems that there is a cover band called THAT GUY that has a really sad problem with people who don't like cover bands. To that end one of their members (members...y'know sometimes words have two meanings and are doubly delicious) decided to post a manifesto to Craigslist detailing the level of hurt and outrage that they feel in their much maligned hearts, (beating right there underneath the Green Day t-shirt).
I have copied said manifesto for your review with my comments in red. Enjoy.
Reply to:email deleted because I really am a nice guy
Date: 2006-02-15, 5:17PM EST
As most of you know, {always good to begin with a hearty bellyful of delusion. First of all who is the you and of that you how does Mike know that most of you knows or cares about a cover band called THATGUY that rocks out the haggard denizens of
Apparenly you insecure palm-stuffers {eh?} are under the impression that what we do is 'easy,'{learning songs is a repetitive muscle memory task much like shampooing. For those who find later rinse repeat a challenge this band is for you} and that you should apparently be afforded respect {in my case certainly true} because you're "original." {not to mention devilishly sexy} That somehow we took the path of least resistance, {I think the question here is if there is a path at all and if so where do it go?} and that we are not a REAL band {I have no question that That Guy is a band, a band of what remains to be seen. As it stands BAND OF BROS is the leading candidate.}. Hence the constant term "coverband" {dramatic pause....fart...continue reading}
Lets just explore this shall we? {Carry on Dr. Livingston!}
ThatGuy has been an official band for about 2 ½ years. {as certified by the American Association of Dudes with Jelly Hair and Blink 182 Fan 4 LYF!!! Membership cards} Have you checked your ego long enough to stay with one project for that length of time? {Let's see....ego....time...check....yup. Uh-OH!} Of course not, {but I just told you that.....} you {me?} wouldn't be on craigslist, {I'm just here to make fun of THAT GUY} myspace, {LOL BFFL I {3 PHI SIG SEND NOODEZ!!!!!!} or the city paper everyday {so this is the data the NSA is looking for. GO
I just did a few calculations. {If you're bored this is where things start getting pretty weird} In the past 2 ½ years there have been THREE weeks that we haven't had a practice. {Life = Pathetic to the power of Grayskull} Most weeks we practice 4 hours, {OoooH!} but when we think it's necessary we'll easily top 8 hours in one week. {That's some Balboa vs. Drago style commitment right there motherfuckers} I'll be generous {thank you} and say that we've done that ¼ of the weeks, {where does the generosity come into play? So far I see nothing in it for me here} so we'll round out to about 6 hours a week for roughly 124 weeks. That comes to 744 hours. {Did you know the Beatles recorded "Meet the Beatles" in 9 hours. Just a thought.}
We'll add to this the fact {prove it!} that everyone in this band practices {has guitar in lap, picks nose, thinks about masturbating, picks nose some more, eats booger, puts down guitar, masturbates, hits SportsCenter, gives self lusty Bro hug, picks flakes off belly, goes to bed}, their instruments every day, {see above} but we'll subtract 2 days {kind of takes the effect off of "every day"} a week because, admittedly, {honesty it's such a loooonely woooorrrrd} there have been quite a few days {we're doing hard math here Holmes, give us the nombres!} when I don't have the time {E.D.} to pick up the guitar. So we'll give it about an hour a day, 5 days a week. {That is a commitment to well excavated nostrils and vacated Vons Deferens not seen by many mortals} That's a minimum figure. {Humility being a tenet of the THAT GUY credo} 124 weeks, 5 hours of individual practice. Bringing us to 620 hours of individual practice.
Now lets factor in shows. {
I'm not even going to factor in the marketing work we do, {writing manifestos, posting pictures of rednecks on website, masturbating}, time spent booking shows, {y'know something no original band has to deal with} balancing our books {ENRON ROX!!!} because yes, {YES!} we are a company, {and a Confederacy} with an accountant, {there's no sex and drugs for
Thus (forsooth!) over the course of 2 ½ years we've logged roughly 1,789 hours of work. {I love how all of this is work. The one calculation we never see on here is the breakdown on the hourly rate of pay for all of these work hours. You would think the human abacus could work that out but apparently it's beyond the pale} Since you're only sporting a highschool diploma {SPORTO!} I'll break that down. That's over 74 days straight. Keep in mind we have day jobs too, (WOW!) and not at Starbucks either. {We're part of the J-Team! It keeps the THATVAN rolling and the hair properly jellied as well as giving us the skills we need to succeed in life!"}
(ThatGuy Dan's addition:) {oh boy}
You write your own music. {I do} That's great. {Now we're getting somewhere} But, that also means that the only musical challenge that you ever get is trying to get that MONEY vocal line {did you know that Swingers came out over ten years ago and these Cro-Mags still drop that vernacular? SWEET BABIES!} (that you thought up sitting on the shitter reading kiddy porn) {Did Gary Glitter offend them, is that what this is all about?} to match with that MONEY {I'll have the roast duck with the mango salsa} guitar riff that you've had going on for a couple months now (when you're not arguing with your mom about taking out the trash). {Apparently
But wait, {whistles....waits} I'm not done! {even for me this is getting tiresome}
Honestly I can't keep going through the whole thing sentence by sentence. I'll just pull out some juicy tidibits out of the remaining 278 paragraphs and provide some summaries from here on out.
Endless boring chest thumping about how hard it is to figure out someone else's guitar parts.
If you buckled because you couldn't figure out the two seperate guitars in a song then you're a true chump. {CLUBBER LANG!!!} If you think you've got the two seperate guitar riffs down, then lets talk about the solos. {Was that a bend, a hammer on, or a slide? Is that Delay, or echo? Wait, is it a flanger, or a phaser? Is it ACTUALLY recorded in the key of E-flat, or did they just tune their guitars down a half step and play it in E? Maybe it's a capo? Wait, what's this? You've never heard of that? You've never heard of alternate tunings? Whoa man, just think what powers you could yield if you knew what I was talking about!? Ahh, but we aren't even CLOSE to being finished yet.
Endless boring chest thumping about how great the singer of THATGUY is because he can sing like Stephen Tyler, the dude from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Fred Durst all in one night. Pretty impressive.
Are you the singer? Are you the guy that's aspiring to be the front man that all the ladies will throw themselves at? Well, before you can dominate the world with your goose bump inducing pipes, why don't you try our job sometime? Our singer has to perfectly replicate the vocals tones, pitches and general sounds of Steven Tyler, James Hetfield, Steve Perry, Anthony Kiedis, Bert McCracken,
I guess since this paragraph is about playing the bass THATGUY has added some Oprah stylee finger snapping noyoudin't to the voice of the manifesto. Funky. They also are threatening to kick their awesome fans in the balls if they happen to request one of the hundreds of songs THATGUY purports to know perfectly.
I won't even get into sampling (Kris can talk about that) or all of the equally as funky bass lines that we have to learn...not to mention being able to pull it out of our brains at the drop of a hat when one of you assbags tries to throw us a curve ball and request a song mid-set. BTW - if you do this I'm going to kick you in the balls.
By comparison, lets examine what you have been doing.
Now we get back into the magical world of orignal bands never practicing, booking, recording, playing shows or doing the all torturous driving. Apparently original bands spend a lot of time on IM and pull EP's out of their butts.
You've been either masturbating or IM'ing one of your equally unsuccessful original friends and discussing how awesome your 8th EP is going to be, and how you're totally going to release a full album soon. I'm sure you're going to surpass everyone's expectations and sell one of those piece of shit EPs to 5 people beyond your family.
And everyone in an original band works for minimum wage and bags THATGUY'S groceries after they get off shift with the J-Team. Also THATGUY seems to be rock badasses that really enjoy a good latte' from Starbucks.
You've been working for slighly more than minimum wage. You've probably bagged my groceries, checked me out at Target, or made my coffee. And you probably did a really shitty job because you're only working this job until you make it HUGE.
THATGUY seems to know a lot about the kind of shows original bands play. Somehow their experience (from above) of "when we first started out we didn't play often because, contrary to your assumptions about cover bands, we had to prove ourselves, play to many empty bars, and endure a lot of confidence-crushing-defeats to get where we are now." is different and somehow more awesome than that of the original band starting out playing to many empty bars and blah blah blah. They also go out of their way to denegrate a club called DC9. Apparently a club owned by a guy who is opening two more downtown venues in the very near future and is pretty well respected around the area can't hold a candle to the awesome venue that is Sully's.
Your show at DC9 was fucking awesome. You totally got 3 people to sign your email list. You're definitely going to get a Tuesday night next time you play 7 months from now (cause sunday night is the proving ground, and you TOTALLY proved yourself.).
I have no idea what the point is here but if anyone is defending the door policies of the Grog and Tankard they deserve to be dragged to their death behind the horse of a righteous and vengeful God.
The grog and tankard TOTALLY ripped you off. DAMNIT. They've never done that to anyone, and you're doing them a favor by bringing your crowd to their bar. $2 a head? We TOTALLY made enough to get a cheeseburger on the way home. We'll have to split it, but that's what the rockstar life is all about.
Original bands play in battle of the bands in high schools and their friends don't come out because they're busy with their flair at TGI Friday's. It's funny that in the last month the 9:30 Club has had nine local bands on Friday nights, I have no idea where they stack the desks in that place. Regardless any original show is like the total opposite of playing at Dewey with all the BROS who totally have your back and are going to like full on support THATGUY for like their whole career, (until they turn 26, get married and never leave the house again).
You totally should have won the battle of the bands at (random town) when you played there (that random weeknight), but all your friends were working at TGI Fridays so they couldn't drive 3 hours to watch you play in a High School gym. (By the way, they didn't have to work, you're just not worth the gas money).
I know who that is, it's THATGUY!!! Now I'm beginning to see the genius behind all of this.
You met a guy, that knows a guy, who's brother just started an Indie record label in the basement of his mom's house.
A dude who just posted this load of shit about how awesome he is for making money playing other people's songs and how everyone else is a suck fucking asshole says -
Truth of the matter is that you spend all your time trying to drag everyone else down. You are a parasite.
In the time we've spent working our ASSES off establishing respect for our abilities and our ethic you've dedicated all your time to hitting "refresh" on the CraigsList message board, your MySpace group page, or the City Paper.
Pre-emptive ass covering BROness in case someone he knows in an original band calls him out on this message. BRO YOU KNOW BRO, YOU GUYS ARE MY BROS AND YOU'RE NOT LIKE THOSE ASSHOLES AT ALL BRO BECAUSE I KNOW YOU BRO THEREFORE YOU CANNOT BE LUMPED IN WITH EVERY OTHER BAND I DON'T KNOW BRO BECAUSE LIKE THAT WOULD BE AGAINST THE BRO CODE. Even though THATGUY thinks all those bands suck anyways.
I can say one thing without hesitation if you're an original act in this area (with the exception of a handful of bands that we know personally).
My band is better than yours. {errr....doubtful} We work harder than you do. {But I thought all the dudes you hate were hard at work bagging your groceries. That's hard work too!} We've earned 10 times as much, {as much what?} and deserve even more. {What do you fucking deserve? You deserve as much as my clock fucking radio} If you were to face off with us {hahahahahahaha. PISTOLS AT DAWN!!!!} 100% {back to the math rock} of the people watching would agree. Your friends {but I thought my friends wouldn't be there what with the scheduling at TGI Friday's and all} would tell you that you beat us, {LIARS!} then sign our email distro list {check it out BRO, signed up AGAIN!} because they've been to our site and want to hang out with hundreds of gorgeous women.
Laughter break, back in ten.
Your music sucks {how dare you!} . No one likes it. {I am not a no one. I'm somebody!} Your friends come to your shows because you beg them to. {Not true, I ply them with Ruphinol} When they can't be there, they've fabricated their excuse, they're actually just sick of hearing your whiney-gypsy-indie-newage-emo-rock bullshit. {THATGUY plays Weezer and Dave Matthews band covers. This jut makes me laugh.}
Your girlfriend is ugly, and probably fat. {Apparently all original rockers are male or lesbian.}
In our search for a bassist we've gotten a lot of shit from these worthless "original" guys that have nothing better to do between their job at Target and masturbating than to give cover bands a hard time. {Unlike ourselves who have produced a manifesto about our awesomeness above anyone that has played anything remotely original ever save for the BROS that we're making sure we can still ass kiss and, oh yeah, those guys that write all the songs that we play.}
If you're an original band that works even close to as much as we do, and you really are putting in LEGITIMATE and MEASUREABLE amounts of work, {DO THE MATH!} and you actually have some talent, more power to you. {Although as repeatedly stated here you do not exist} I've got nothing but respect for people who put a lot of work in and deserve it. {As determined by my high standard of BROS that I know and lick anus upon} As for the rest of you clowns that are reading this {you should see our car, there must be 47 of us crammed in here!} and coming up with 100 reasons cover bands are sell-outs, {really only one big one comes to mind} that we have it easy, {I think it's been well established that you don't have it easy but fear not, there is an international sporting event held just for you where everyone is a winner} and that we don't deserve recognition as a real band, {I still want to know who was saying this before THATGUY brough it all upon themselves with this ridiculous post. Honestly why do BROS as badass as THATGUY care? I'm just involved in this dumbass bullshit for some laughs at their expense and could care less if they self-destruct or reach the ultimate goal of playing for the 5,000 attendee Dershowitz barmitzvah. The fact that they're some BROS playing Creed songs in
One last statement:
You are going nowhere with your life. {Who, me?} In 15 years you will still be posting on the internet, {and I will be a 39 year old guy playing cover songs at the same bars that I play now} you'll still be unable to get anyone to like your music, {definitive word being YOUR} and you'll still be making a living {that's bad?} working a job that no one wants. {A semi-serious point; from what I can tell this whole thing is based on some bass players saying that they don't want to be part of THATGUY, (who proclaims this whole band thing is work and therefore a job they should have their collective wangs huffed by the world for having the momentous balls to carry out), because THAT GUY is a dumbass cover band that plays BROhead music to drunken rednecks and they (the bass players that is) would rather play originals than be stuck in THATJOB. So THATGUY guy is coming down on people for not taking THATJOB that they don't want while at the same time saying they're so clueless that they're destined to be stuck in a job they don't want for the rest of their lives instead which is what they just avoided by not taking the THATGUY job in the first place. It's just bad circular reasoning that never goes anywhere. Surprising from a band so good at math.} Meanwhile we will still be working our asses off, playing in front of hundreds of people, {The Reston Pool and Suds Hall is making plans for a major expansion} and living the life that you will NEVER HAVE A CHANCE TO LIVE. {The depths of my sadness at this can never be measured} You will never make it. {To Sully's} You will never be famous. {Unlike all the super famous cover bands out there like...ummm....}
Fuck off... get over it...
{ Wipes brow, shakes head, prays this whole thing was just a whacky marketing ploy, goes to eat food and get ready to play terrible original songs later on tonight, reminds self to call Tinkerbell to try and not be late."
4 Comments: about male AND lesbian...
notionsUnlimited, at 2:53 PM
I couldn't think of anything witty to say. So, why work for it:
" Ok, so I (Dan) spent a couple hours updating a buttload of crap for you people. I don't do this out of the kindness of heart. I do it out of the kindness of my pants. Ha. That makes no sense, but sounds funny, which is why I said it.
Anyway, the pics from Bungalows are up from last weekend...there are a couple new shows posted on the shows page, there's a new ThatGuy AND ThatGirl. One of these days I swear I'll post all of the 70 NEW VIDEOS I of these days.
Sully's next weekend...REPRESENT FOOLS!"
Kindness of pants. LOLLERROLLERCOASTER <3<3<3<3
Phil Rossi, at 3:35 PM
Fucking hilarious. Holy shit. I am dying.
I like this part:
"Try mastering the guitar lines of over 100 different guitarists, and then having everyone in the audience critique you."
(Is THAT what goes on at a That Guy gig? They hit the stage and a Grad School thesis defense breaks out?)
"Loading up the van, driving..."
"Yeah, times were tough at first. But things really started to come together for us after we got the hang of loading the van, THEN driving it.
And: "Our singer has to perfectly replicate the vocals tones, pitches and general sounds of [endless string of singers redacted]..."
(General sounds??)
"It's the way I perfectly capture the gastric gurgle of all the semen settling in Fred Durst's intestine that never fails to bring the house down."
"Was that a bend, a hammer on, or a slide? Is that Delay, or echo? Wait, is it a flanger, or a phaser? Is it ACTUALLY recorded in the key of E-flat, or did they just tune their guitars down a half step and play it in E? Maybe it's a capo? Wait, what's this? You've never heard of that? You've never heard of alternate tunings? Whoa man, just think what powers you could yield if you knew what I was talking about!?"
"And it doesn't stop there! When we play out, I never go anywhere without volume 25 of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. That means we have ALWAYS got "Sherman, William Tecumseh-terrarium" on fuckin' LOCKDOWN!"
PLUS: Go to their websites and look at the pictures of their gigs. That is what the Bermuda Triangle would look like if it was covered with herpes.
The Deceiver, at 3:54 AM
Ha ha ha!
Phil Rossi, at 11:45 AM
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