Castor Oil...sickeningly good

Friday, July 08, 2005


Headline of the day:

Presidents on Mount Rushmore Get a Facial
Friday, July 08, 2005



Took 15 hours to get home from Austin yesterday. I saw an old man slap a fat tourist woman in the face with a magazine at DFW airport. Thunderstorms shut the whole place down and unleashed the very worst of human nature.

I did get to spend a couple hours horsing around with Texas Bob while I was there, that was cool. While my travel story sucks his trip home to Georgia sucked in Shakespearian porportions. Maybe he'll drop a comment with the story.

Getting ready to head to the beach with the familia which I'm looking forward to very much. I pretty much burst into flames when exposed to direct sunlight so there won't be much savage tanning for me, more savage crappy domestic beer consumption than anything else.


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